Monday, 24 October 2011

Types Of Shots We Will Have Act (Dave Gee's Work)

Tracking Shot Of - College building from outside
                             - College building from inside (Library/Canteen Act)
                             - College Students

Mid Shot
Close Up - Presenter & Guests
Long Shot

Voice Over - We will only use Voice Over when we use archive footage and pictures to explain what you are seeing act.

Archive footage - We hope to get our archive footage from you tube.
Pictures - We hope to get pictures from google and also get shots of old articles and news papers which are written about the college from the librarian who is having them sent to our college from another campus.

Structure of the news piece

1) Short intro credit introducing the show name, presenter, guests.
2) Shot of presenter welcoming the viewers to the show and giving a short introduction of what you can expect to see on todays show.
3) Introducing the topic (History of The Manchester College Fielden Campus)
4) Cutting to the VT which will be made up of archive footage, pictures, and interviews with students/staff.
5) VT will have finished and the camera will then cut back to the presenter introducing the guest which will hopefully be the head of the college who will go into more detail and tell us what he knows about the colleges history. Our plan b is that if we can not interview the head of college we will then get the director or producer who made the VT to explain why they chose the history of the college as their topic,   and what problems they faced when researching and when filming. And finally what they do anything differently next time and why?
6) The news piece will finish with the presenter thanking the guest and thanking the viewers for watching.
7) Ending credits, who was the camera man, who was the director, and who was the producer and naming any other cast crew or actors.      

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